Experts in Office-based, ASC, and Hospital services
Contact Us: 682-297-6708
4108 SW Green Oaks Blvd #172546
Arlington, TX 76003

Trident Anesthesia
Providing comprehensive in-network anesthesia solutions tailored to the needs of each individual facility. We work with administration and the surgeons to come up with a plan that fits your exact needs. One size does not fit all. . .
Experts in Office-based, ASC, and Hospital anesthesia services
Anesthesia coverage for facilities utilizing cost-efficient CRNA only coverage or with a care team model using both CRNAs and Anesthesiologists

Anesthesia Services
We tailor anesthesia services to fit your individual needs providing cost-efficient coverage
Office-Based Anesthesia

Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASC)


Types of Anesthesia
We use the latest and safest techniques to make sure that both patients and surgeons are happy
Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC)
Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) is a type of anesthesia that is administered for minor procedures. It is sometimes called “twilight anesthesia” or “conscious sedation.” Patients technically remain awake during the procedure, but are very relaxed. The level of sedation varies depending on what is being done surgically or medically. Some patients are just a bit groggy, others go to sleep and later have no memory of the procedure. A combination of medications are used so patients, in addition to being sleepy, do not feel pain.
MAC allows the patient to essentially sleep through the procedure and wake up immediately when it is over. The medications wear off quickly and the patient goes home the same day.

General Anesthesia
General anesthesia is utilized for more invasive procedures requiring the patient to be completely asleep. Medications are injected into an IV to render the patient unconscious and unaware of painful stimuli and may necessitate the need for a breathing tube only during the procedure.

Regional Anesthesia
We utilize ultrasound guided regional anesthesia techniques to ensure patient comfort for a variety of procedures including general surgery, orthopedics, podiatry, and cosmetics/plastic surgery.


Currently servicing clients in the following locations:
Fort Worth
Round Rock
San Antonio
Contact Us
If you are looking for anesthesia coverage or you are an anesthesia provider and are interested in job opportunities, please complete the form below and someone will be in touch with you soon!